
Initiative Transparent Civil Society

Leaders for Climate Action joined the Initiative Transparent Civil Society.

Signatories of the Initiative voluntarily commit to publishing ten pieces of information about their organization on their website, including the statutes, data on the sources and use of funds, and personnel structure, among others.

1. Name, registered office, address and year of establishment
  • Name: LFCA Umweltschutz e.V.

  • Address: c/o Spielfeld Digital Hub, Skalitzer Str. 85/86, 10997 Berlin, Germany

  • Year of establishment: 2020

  • Contact responsible for Initiative Transparent Civil Society: Piotr Drozd,

2. Our statutes and a general description of our goals
3. Information on tax benefits

Due to the promotion of environmental protection, including climate protection, our work is exempted from corporation tax and trade tax, as confirmed in the most recent notice of exemption we received from Finanzamt für Körperschaften I, Berlin.

4. Name and function of decision makers
  • Managing Director: Timo Müller

  • Board of Directors: Boris Wasmuth (Präsident), Ferry Heilemann (Vizepräsident), Jan Christoph Gras (Schatzmeister), Doreen Rietentiet (Präsidiumsmitglied), David Wortmann (Präsidiumsmitglied)

5. Activity Reports
6. Personnel structure

LFCA Umweltschutz e.V. employs two part-time employees. There are no volunteers involved in our activities.

  • Piotr Drozd (Chief Climate Officer, 0.8 FTE)

  • Timo Müller (Managing Director, 0.9 FTE)

Our daughter company, LFCA GmbH, employs 6 employees (3 full-time, 3 part-time).

  • Sara Bettinelli (Campaigning & Strategic Partnerships Manager, 1 FTE)

  • Anna Esakova (Head of Community, 0.8 FTE)

  • Liza Kogelnik (Community & Growth Manager, 1 FTE)

  • Richard Maier (Head of Finance, 0.4 FTE)

  • David Ruisinger (Senior Full Stack Engineer, 1 FTE)

  • Philippe Singer (Managing Director, 0.8 FTE)

The daughter company also receives support from 33 volunteers who assist with community engagement. On average, they dedicate 10 hours per month to our cause. You can find an overview of all the volunteers here.

7. Information about the source of funds

8. Information about the use of funds

9. Affiliation with third parties

Leaders for Climate Action e.V. is the parent company of LFCA GmbH. The parent company holds 100% of the shares.

10. Names of individuals whose annual payments exceed 10% of the total annual budget

In 2022, HV Capital Manager GmbH, Jens Begemann, and Pirate Impact Capital GmbH made donations that exceed 10% of the total annual budget.

About Initiative Transparent Civil Society